在生活和生產(chǎn)中,經(jīng)常使用漏電開(kāi)關(guān),但變頻器有時(shí)使用較少。在車(chē)間安裝開(kāi)關(guān)時(shí),大多數制造商經(jīng)常使用漏電開(kāi)關(guān)作為主開(kāi)關(guān)。當使用變頻控制時(shí),問(wèn)題就展現出來(lái)了,漏電開(kāi)關(guān)使用一段時(shí)間以后總會(huì )出現跳閘現象。
Leakage switches are often used in daily life and production, but frequency converters are sometimes used less. When installing the switch in the workshop, most manufacturers often use the leakage switch as the main switch. When the frequency conversion control is used, the problem arises. After the leakage switch is used for a period of time, there will always be tripping.
Personal experience is that when installing machines with frequency converters, leakage must be eliminated or plastic case circuit breakers should be used alone to avoid switch tripping. Actions that cause errors!
30毫安的漏電流不能用在變頻器上。100mA的泄漏電流不能用來(lái)保護人身安全。主要原因是變頻器的漏電流會(huì )導致變頻器誤動(dòng)作。如果必須安裝泄漏電流,應選擇100mA,以防止線(xiàn)路絕緣因火災損壞。
Leakage current of 30 mA cannot be used in frequency converter. 100 mA leakage current can not be used to protect personal safety. The main reason is that the leakage current of the converter will lead to the wrong operation of the converter. If leakage current must be installed, 100 mA should be selected to prevent line insulation from being damaged by fire.
When using frequency converter, leakage protector should not be used. This is the main principle of using frequency converter.
有些客戶(hù)在使用變頻器時(shí)會(huì )為變頻器選擇相應的漏電保護器。最終結果是變頻器將一起移動(dòng),漏電保護器將運行,系統根本不運行。
Some customers will choose the appropriate leakage protector for the converter when using the converter. The end result is that the converter will move together, the leakage protector will run, and the system will not run at all.
The principle of leakage protector is zero current. When using the frequency converter, the zero-order current can not be zero.
The output side of the converter is the PWM wave. There is a capacitive effect of a long cable between the motor cable and the ground. When using cable with shielding layer, the capacitance effect is more obvious. When the frequency converter works, the capacitor is charged and discharged, and the current flows into the earth through the capacitor. Then the frequency converter flows back from the line on the entrance line to form a current loop. If the leakage protector is used on the import side, it will cut off the system.
So don't attach your converter to the leakage protector. If you want to ensure safety, do a good job of grounding equipment.